
Lumiio to Recognize and Honour National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

In response to continued truth and reconciliation efforts in Canada, September 30th is to be recognized as the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The Government of Canada has implemented this as a statutory holiday for all federally regulated businesses as a direct response to one of the commission’s calls to action and the day is an opportunity to learn about and reflect on the legacy of residential schools.  

The leadership team at Lumiio recognizes the significance of these events in our country’s history and is therefore implementing a paid day off for all employees to honour the new federal statutory holiday. Employees are encouraged to take the day to participate in community events, as well as educate themselves through tools such as the 94 calls to action in the Truth and Reconciliation Report, or the free course at the University of Alberta on Indigenous history. 

This decision was led by CEO Blaine Penny who, in 2015, had the opportunity to travel and connect with multiple Indigenous leaders throughout the Northwest Territories during the Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference. What they learned validated the content of the Truth and Reconciliation Report, which was released the same day the conference ended in Ottawa, ON. This experience left an indelible impression on Blaine and has informed his decision to provide employees the opportunity to honour the day and reflect on our country’s history.  “As leaders in Canada, we have an obligation to our country to do what we can to make a difference. It starts with education and recognizing the significance of these events on this day is one small piece,” reflects Blaine.  

Gord Anderson, Lumiio’s Board Chair has a similar passion for supporting Indigenous communities across Canada. He splits his professional time between the company and assisting and offering his expertise to Indigenous communities with the goal of achieving financial independence and self-governance.  “This is my small contribution to reconciliation. With Lumiio, our plan is to assist Indigenous communities where we can, primarily focused on health initiatives,” Gord says. 

Things you can do to honour the day and beyond: 

Learn more about the Truth & Reconciliation Report

Look up local events you’re able to attend, taking care to make sure they’re open to the public and not designated to indigenous attendees (like this one at Southcentre Mall in Calgary) 

Register in this free online course through the University of Alberta 

Donate to the Indian Residential School Survivor’s Society 

Educate yourself on other issues currently impacting indigenous communities around the country